Multiple Sclerosis

MS treatment

Dr. Kramer: “Oren Zarif treated my daughter who suffers from multiple sclerosis (MS) and helped her greatly.”


Does the human body have the capability to overcome any disease? 

How does the body heal itself?


Are you suffering from any medical problem? Have you tried everything and did not work?

There is no reason to be desperate at all. 


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MS Symptoms – Things You Need to Know

MS Symptoms, also known as myelin, is a condition in which the myelin sheath becomes thin and breaks down over time. This breakdown causes loss of myelin, a substance that is responsible for the transmission of signals between brain cells. This breakdown usually happens because of abnormal genetic conditions, neurological disorders and environmental factors. When myelin becomes thin and/or breaks down due to these factors, the speed and efficiency with which information is transmitted from one brain cell to the next are affected.

MS Symptoms can vary and are sometimes vague. No two individuals have the same symptoms, and therefore each individual may experience several or even all of the potential symptoms. One person may experience just one or two of these possible symptoms while another individual experiences several more. Some of the most common symptoms are fatigue, which is often mistaken as a temporary symptom of MS; short-term memory loss, or short-term memory problems that last for a few days; decreased concentration or mental agility, which is also mistaken for a temporary symptom of MS; decreased ability to concentrate, or difficulty completing tasks; and numbness, tingling or other sensations that affect your muscles and joints.

MS Symptoms may also include movement problems such as weakness, stiffness and tremor. The myelin sheath may break down and begin to leak, which then causes the nervous system to misinterpret messages correctly or to slow down communication. There are also times when MS symptoms may worsen dramatically, resulting in what is known as a relapse. Relapses usually occur after an initial episode, usually lasting several months. MS relapses can come in waves, or they may occur in succession. MS relapses can range from mildly annoying to extremely debilitating.

The purpose of the Bosmat treatment is to open the blocked and locked areas of the body’s energy field, so that the body will be able to create a healing process for existing symptoms that the patient suffers from.

For years, Oren Zarif proved that as the energy blocks open, the body begins to create a healing process and returns to its strength, thousands of patients testify for it.

Therefore, it is important to open the body’s blocked energy field channels.

Only then can the body cope with the existing problems and create a self healing process. 

MS Symptoms and Treatments

MS Symptoms are unpredictable and variable. One individual may experience just one or few of the possible manifestations while another individual may experience several more. Occurs in approximately 80% of those who have MS, can greatly interfere with a person’s ability to function normally at work and home, and is the most common symptom in an individual who otherwise has very few mobility limitations. This is because it can severely limit a person’s ability to communicate with others and maintain their personal functioning capabilities. In addition, it can be very frustrating for other individuals because they cannot understand why a particular person cannot continue with their regular routines or activities.


The exact causes of MS remain unknown to this date, but a few theories have been noted. These theories include that the disorder develops due to abnormal brain cell growth, immune deficiencies, neurological complications, and environmental exposure. Since there is no cure for MS, the treatment of any MS symptoms is preventative and focuses on reducing the overall impact of the disease on the body. Individuals who are diagnosed with MS have a variety of treatments available to them depending on their particular symptoms and the impact they are having on their life and ability to function.

Some of the treatment methods used to treat MS symptoms may include: lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise, vitamin supplementation and diet, alternative therapies, medication, surgery, or other therapies such as phototherapy or immunosuppressive drugs. It should be noted that many individuals who are suffering from MS exhibit no abnormalities in their skin or muscles; therefore, these treatments are not effective. However, when other symptoms become evident, it is imperative to seek medical attention to ensure the proper diagnosis is made. Because no absolute cure has been found for MS, treating the disease with the right medication can help to slow the progression of the disease and allow patients greater control over their lives.

MS Symptoms – What Are They?

MS Symptoms are different for everyone and depend on the severity of your condition. For some people, just having an awareness of a problem is enough to give them a good idea if they need to seek medical help. If you suspect that you have Multiple Sclerosis, but aren’t sure what type of MS you have, MS Symptoms are a great way to discover whether or not you need to visit your doctor to determine what your MS Symptoms are. Some of the more common symptoms of MS include: dry, itchy eyes, stiff muscles, weakness in the joints. MS Symptoms can vary widely from one person to another and can even come and go on and off.

MS Symptoms can come and disappear all of a sudden, or they can last for months or years at a time. It’s common for an MS patient to experience a wide range of different MS symptoms, and often these MS Symptoms can occur together, or they can occur separately. There are many different kinds of MS Symptoms, including, but not limited to, difficulty swallowing, slow speech, blurred vision, dry mouth, and increased sensitivity to touch. Two people who have MS can have very different MS Symptoms. In addition to the more common symptoms, there are many other symptoms that can occur with MS.

For example, stroke, seizures, heart disease, diabetes, fluid buildup in the lungs, and arthritis can all have MS Symptoms as part of their listing. Two people with MS might have the same common symptom of fatigue, but one person may have severe exhaustion while the other is completely healthy. MS fatigue can include any combination of the above listed symptoms and can make someone with MS feel tired and weak all of the time, while someone else might only feel weary once or twice a month. MS fatigue can be extremely severe, making it impossible for even adults with MS to get through the day. Fortunately, there are a variety of treatments available, some of which can help reduce the effects of MS fatigue.

MS Symptoms – What Are They?

MS Symptoms are extremely variable and unpredictable. No two individuals possess the same exact symptoms, and therefore each individual of symptoms may vary or change over time. One individual may experience just a few of the symptoms while another individual experiences many more. If you suspect that you may be suffering from MS, it is important to be tested for it as early as possible. If not, then you will be left wondering about what may have caused your condition in the first place.

MS Symptoms can affect anyone, regardless of age or gender. The disease can take the form of a disease that affects only one side of your brain such as “amygal” MS Symptoms, or it can take the form of multiple sclerosis that affects both sides of your brain such as “auxicular” MS Symptoms. Regardless of which form of MS you are suffering from, the effects of these different forms of MS can be quite devastating and can cause great emotional stress and strain on an individual.


MS Symptoms can range from the purely physical to the psychological and involve everything from severe loss of coordination to extreme numbness and pain in the extremities. MS can literally rob someone of their ability to walk, talk, or even swallow food. When multiple sclerosis strikes, it robs an individual of their senses, their motor skills, and their ability to perceive even with their own body. Without a good understanding of what MS is and how it affects the body, it is impossible to understand how it affects an individual’s life and quality of living. MS symptoms include; short-term memory loss, severe debilitation of the central nervous system, lack of concentration, lack of balance, inability to coordinate gait, muscle weakness, severe neck and head pain, speech problems, uncontrollable shaking, and in some rare cases loss of eyesight.

MS Symptoms: Things You May Experience

MS Symptoms are quite varied and variable. No two individuals have the same exact symptoms, and therefore every individual of symptoms may vary or change over time. One individual may experience just one or two of their possible symptoms while another individual or experiences several more. This is the reason why there is no sure and fast way to determine whether or not a person has MS, because there are so many different symptoms may differ in different individuals.

There are various different types of MS symptoms. The central nervous system (CNS) symptoms of MS are caused by the inflammation of the nerves and glial cells that are located in the brain and central nervous system. The symptoms of MS that affect the sensory organs such as eyes, ears, hands, and feet are also caused by the inflammation of these same nerves and glial cells. However, it is important to note that the sensory symptoms of MS are often confused with those of other diseases, such as arthritis, which in fact, can cause similar types of MS symptoms. It is often difficult for medical professionals to diagnose MS, which is one of the main reasons why diagnosis of MS is often delayed until it is too late for treatment to do much to slow the progress of the disease.

While there is no one test to confirm whether or not you may have MS, there are several different tests that are used to determine if someone may have it. One test is performed by looking at a person’s reaction to light, which will signify if they may have Multiple Sclerosis. Another test measures the chemical markers of brain activity, which can be used to diagnose MS if certain abnormalities are detected in someone who has been diagnosed. But since there is still no way to prove if someone has MS, a doctor may consider a person as having MS, but cannot definitely say that the disease is present and is not causing the symptoms.

The purpose of the Bosmat treatment is to open the blocked and locked areas of the body’s energy field, so that the body will be able to create a healing process for existing symptoms that the patient suffers from.

For years, Oren Zarif proved that as the energy blocks open, the body begins to create a healing process and returns to its strength, thousands of patients testify for it.

Therefore, it is important to open the body’s blocked energy field channels.

Only then can the body cope with the existing problems and create a self healing process. 

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